Tuesday, 19 April 2011

news,new, news

Oh! this Month was particularly busy for many of our members, who not only challenged themselves to work on projects that required high skills, but also accomplished them by finishing them in such a short time!

Way to go guys!!!

In this first part of this blog, I would like to give a great applause to these great kids, who finished the theme of Still Life. like shown above with Madison's artwork.

Especially in this exercises the challenge was to work on different textures, light and depth through glass, wood, baskets, metal, all together with fruits and vegetables.
We also explored the claroscuro :
Chiaroscuro (English pronunciation: /kiˌɑːrəˈskjʊər/, Italian: [kjarosˈkuːro] "light-dark") in art is characterized by strong contrasts between light and dark, usually bold contrasts affecting a whole composition. It is also a technical term used by artists and art historians for using contrasts of light to achieve a sense of volume in modelling three-dimensional objects such as the human body. (source: Wikipaedia)

Here we have Alicia, who not only is showing us her painting, but also I want to make a comment about it. She is giving it away to her Grandma, who is going through a family loss. Alicia has shown time after time a great heart.
I like the way you are critical with your work. Always expecting more and more from yourself.

Below you can see Alexa's composition. I must remind you all that each and everyone of the Students got to make their own compositions, then photograph them and then do the sketch in pencil.
All the process was necessary to come to this. All the groups have been finishing their pieces with tremendous skills.
I also have to recognize the OTHER talents from these girls and boys from the Studio.
Alexa, for example, not only is great at painting, she is also great in soccer playing for Rep teams in Oakville, as well as in Ballet.

Keep up my Dear Alexa, multi talented girl.

Below we can see what Catalina had for us this time. I have to give her a great applause, because she was the ONLY one to choose a metallic tray: the silver one!

She did great in her project, and again, I have to recognize her inner values, not only as great artist, but also as another sensible girl who gave away her piece to her school teacher. Keep up the giving spirit Ladies. it is great to have such a fantastic group of talented, caring and dedicated members of this Painting Studio from the Oakville Arts Studio!!!


And now in this part of this blog, I have to recognize 2 great artists, that happen to be Mother and Daughter!!!!

Jenny and Victoria, who truly inspired after returning from their one month trip to their homeland: Argentina, and having seen the wonderful landscapes of the pampa Argentina in the grandpas land, they immediately came to work on it through their art.

This girl is the youngest of the Studio and at her short age of 7 she is now proving to be a great promise in the artistic field. Congratulations my Dear Vicky.

And other themes......more artists!...more art to share!

And last but not least we have Lauren and Laura, who had great initiative to choose these wonderful purple flowers and the great hues of blues!

I have to give them a big hug because Lauren is so fun to be with, kind and gentile, and also because purple is my favourite colour, and what to say about Laura, my wonderful dance teacher. she manages to run always up and down taking her kids to swimming competitions and many other activities she gets involved in, and yet she gives herself time to create these great pieces of Art.

Congratulations to ALL who made this Spring really a flourishing and inspiring Painting Studio!
We are all preparing our best artworks for our third anniversary celebration in the Visual Arts Mississauga next month. Hope to see you all there may 13-14-15 at the Harris Studio.

Until next blog, enjoy the flurries...still!