Monochrome describes paintings, drawings, design, or photographs in one color or shades of one color.
In this excercise, Danielle selected her still life objects: in this case 3 plastic pepers and a pear. The idea was to quick sketch the objects and from still life try to interpret the mid tones. I let her select her favourite colour and to just add black or white depending on the hue necessary to project the volumes. I took the pucture and then eliminated the colour with the computer.
A monochromatic object or image has colors in shades of limited colors or hues. Images using only shades of grey (with or without black and/or white) are called gray scale or black-and-white.
Here we have the first painting made by Danielle. She managed to work with my favourite colour: purple + black and white.
She made an excellent job and learned a new word.
However, scientifically speaking, "Monochromatic light" refers to light of a narrow frequency.
For an image, the term monochrome is usually taken to mean the same as black and white or, more likely, grayscale, but may also be used to refer to other combinations containing only tones of a single color, such as green-and-white or green-and-black. In this painting, Maddy made a great job with fine brush strokes on a monochromatic painting with a maple leaf.Way to go, Maddy.Great for the Fall!
Duotone is a halftone reproduction of an image using the superimposition of one contrasting color halftone (traditionally black) over another color halftone. This is most often used to bring out middle tones and highlights of an image. The most common colors used are blue, yellow, browns and reds.
Lauren on the other hand decided to use my favourite colour again: purple! and Catalina....just wanted to be in the picture. Beautiful ladies!
Agnes decided to join Maddy on the theme by interpreting her monochromy theme with her pumpkins. Later on Cami painted an old style acrylic of pumpkins and her little sister, Jamie made a spring tulip in blues.(an red)
Monochromatic painting has been an important component of avant-garde visual art throughout the 20th century and into the 21st century. Painters have created the exploration of one color, the examination of values changing across a surface, the expressivity of texture and nuance, expressing a wide variety of emotions, intentions and meanings in a wide variety of ways and means.