Monday, 3 December 2012

Close to New Year

It is almost end of the year and these kids are still on the go to create different ideas in various techniques.

Be weaving or painting, these girls have captures the essence of colour and composition.

Helena prepared this Marine life scene for this theme in a wonderful colorful composition.

Danielle on the other hand made a Tuscan style landscape. Way to go my Dearest Danielle!

Every child is an artist. 
The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up. — Pablo Picasso

Monday, 26 November 2012

Christmas is coming soon...


 Christmas is here and it is time to prepare our creative surprises! The kids have made wonderful iris fold cards playing with contrast  texture colour and composition. Not to mention their skills in folding, pasting and having fun in an all creative time.

even the youngest ones played around with this wonderful technique! Way to go Jeff!

Cami and Jamie, Alec and Lauren...such wonderful cards you made! I am sure they will make a great present.

Not only we are having fun with Christmas themes, like Agnes that she managed to make 2! not one during the class, we are still in the process of creating wonderful paintings just like these below: Camila enjoyed playing around with colour and texture for this carnation, 

And Nikki explored the high contrasting image of this volcano! so strong image Nikki. Sarah decided to recreate one of the many landscapes she had opportunity to view on her trip to Tuscany! What a fantastic trip with the family.

I have to say that it always makes me really really happy when Members of the Studio ask me to teach them how to weave. As you all know, weaving is my passion and I love the fact that young generations want to learn this ancient and fascinating technique especially when we are surrounded with high-tech instruments and means of communications in a fast accelerated world. 

Here some kids at weave in front of their! I am soooo happy!

"I tell you, 
the more I think, the more I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people." 

Vincent van Gogh

I love you kids! Keep up!

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

what about Sunflowers?

Sunflowers are always fun to pain, especially because you get to try  different brushes so your skills can improve gradually.

By learning how to mix colour and prepare contrasting mixes, our kids are enjoying a great evening of shapes and colour.

Bella just finished her landscape by the beach. Sunsets have this warm sense of bright colour that fascinates all. Great gradation in the background.

Alicia, inspired by the impressionists decided to  recreate this interesting landscape from Monet.Great use of all the different colours.

 more sunflowers to come, This one from |Alex.

Thomas prepared his mixes for painting this Sunflower.

And below, look at this detailed  centre of this Sunflower made by Hana. Great job to all.
Keep it up!

 Now here is a cute puppy. This one made by Alex, and he is improving so much in vanishing paint and detail. Great proportion and colour.

It is always nice to pick themes that makes us want to keep up painting, and this one is not an exception. Harry Potter is a great inspiration for Catalina. Please come back to show us how you finished this interesting composition.

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep. — Scott Adams

Saturday, 10 November 2012

more of the birch trees

Birch trees have been a must-paint this season. Not only the colour of them all inspires us due to the wonderful shades and textures, birch trees are amazing to inspire in any art field, say music, poetry, photography or visual arts!

May be a poem like this

   The Birch-Tree
by James Russell Lowell

Rippling through thy branches goes the sunshine,
Among thy leaves that palpitate forever;
Ovid in thee a pining Nymph had prisoned,
The soul once of some tremulous inland river,
Quivering to tell her woe, but, ah! dumb, dumb forever!...

This composition of a birch tree at the side of this lake inspired Gennie to work on reflections in the water. Great job Gennie!

 Kyla here was so happy to finish this small format with a good work in gradation

Taylor managed to do not only one, but  5 trees in a wonderful composition, including some colourful leaves. The depth of the forest created a wonderful contrast with the white trees. Congratulations Taylor!

Images not only inspire visual art, but all of our senses. When we see a tree we immediately imagine where the location of the tree is, the surroundings, the ecosystem around it, the atmosphere of it all. It can also inspire composers, such as this artist that explore installations through sound experience such as this:


Above and below we can see the great smile from Manolo. Great kid with great ideas. Here showing his leopard! I can see it is staring at the Yoda in front! May the force be with you Manolo and help you get the inspiration for all your work so keep up!.

No matter what your inspiration is, I will leave you with this wonderful quote by Aristotle:

The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.

Sunday, 28 October 2012

Birch trees and more...

This weeks challenge:

It is always nice to learn new skills, especially when some of our members have been painting trees for a while. This was a very interesting week of practising the way to paint birch trees.
I have been a lover of these wonderful white bark trees, so it made me so glad to see what all our artists created in these exercises.

 Excellent job Quinn, this tree is wonderful. I am sure some birds might think is real.
 More birch trees in class...
 And talking about birch trees, it is amazing what these kids can accomplish in just one session. This exercise is not easy and requires several painting techniques, yet they where able to finish on time with great results. Great class kids! Keep up.

Camie, Jamie and Helena. These trees are wonderful. I am glad you where able to understand the techniques for texture and volume. Congratulations! cant wait to see what you do next. Keep up.

 Kyla is working on a painting to give away to a friend visiting them. By sketching and finding shapes, she was able to create this wonderful flowerpot. Great composition. 

Arianne went really modern with this idea of fluorescent circus life! Great idea and expression through colour. Congratulations!

Hanna and Quinn, also working in sketch of a flower through geometrical shapes. Good job ladies.

 Alex is starting in this class, and we can see already how much he enjoys playing around with shapes and colour. By learning to sketch he was able to start finding a flower coming from geometrical shapes. Good job, Alex! Keep up!
 Sarah has always surprised me. She is creative and original. Her ideas are fresh and always willing to become a great composition. Here, her idea of circus life turned into a vibrant abstract positive-negative image. Way to go Sarah!

Lauren, this Teddy Bear from the Theme `My own Composition`is so cute, fluffy and technically is excellent! You are advancing in the speed of light girl!
Your use of technique and colour has improved 100 %. I want to give you a BIG HUG! Congratulations.

Camila (above) and Bella (below): great paintings.  Nature is not always easy because we have a reference to it, however, these two, very different in essence but thematically same where done with amazing technique. 
Bella, your monochromatic tulips are just lovely, especially because you worked so hard to get the mid-tones from black to white. Good depth and proportion.
Cami, the snow on the tree just made a wonderful contrast in the overall painting. Love the colour! Congratulations to bot ladies!

Alicia, way to go with this magnificent sunset for the theme Light houses`.