Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Horses and more on the way

Preparing for our exhibit soon to come, and getting excited for Summer, our members are really galloping towards a great closing of the spring-summer term.
Horses and more! all to have fun and be creative. All the horses are in movement, which at times may be a bit challenging for some younger artists.
Nevertheless, these horses are coming out amazing!
Keep up kids.

 Sarah and Nikki, having fun as always. They are amazing joyful kids.Thank you  for bringing such energy and great vibes to the Studio!

Remember that the new themes are coming for the Fall term. This time just to give you a taste of what is soon to come, we will explore FANTASY!
I want to know what moves you in the fantasy world. I know you all have lots to share, so start bringing ideas: dragons, fairies, manga characters, video game challenging name it. All fr the creativity and non-real world.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

New art is flowing!

Patterns and repetitions. Theme to explore shape, colour and composition through simple shapes and repeated forms. Great exercise.Be finger painting, free brush or paper cut, the idea came out fantastic!
Will blog extensively on our next blog. Keep posted and enjoy art!

Getting prepared for Summer!

Spring brought wonderful themes. Our members where still busy developing our themes related to The Wonders of Canada.
Birds, wildlife, Canadian Shield, abstract images of minerals, even the Toronto Leafs banner where just some of our inspirations.

Month of May will give us time to think about our new themes for the Fall. Summer is getting close and we have our exhibit coming soon in the Fall. It will give us time to prepare our artworks for display.
The location will be the new gallery at the 
Queen Elizabeth Park Community and Cultural Centre.

 Alicia finishing a beautiful closeup of certain tulips. Very Spring like theme.

Karen, one of our newest members finished her first of many to come artworks. Congratulations Karen and welcome to the Studio

Making art, and having fun comes side by side. It has been great to see how members enjoy class while making new friends. 
Even had time to organise a pyjama party during class...

Music during class is a factor that creates a wonderful environment to work and get inspired.

Lauren finished her landscape inspired in flowers, impressionism and Canadian wild flowers.

Nimsy has now become part of our membership.

Congratulations Jaime for your lovely tulip!

Abstract inspired in floating ice from the Canadian glaciers. Congratulations Catalina for this interesting composition.

Yamile has made wonderful advances in her tapestry. Go Go Go.....Tapestry is a very meticulous technique, yet gratifying when finished. Keep us updated on your project. Is looking great!

Cami, you look so serious and yet you have such a wonderful humor  Keep up this great spirit and continue doing marvelous paintings.

Northern Lights by Taylor. I love when young generations explore the wonderful world of Tapestry.

I saw the angel in the marble and

 carved until I set him free —


Thursday, 7 February 2013

Welcome to our new Web Master

The Oakville Arts Studio   would like to welcome Miss Carla Sierra.

Miss Sierra will be making use of her creativity to help us in the postings, uploading and writing of this blog. On behalf of the Oakville Arts Studio, I wish you great time and fun moments while creating a wonderful space for our Social Media.

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Having fun at the Studio

Not everything is just work and work. As you see here, these girls are just amazing. It seems they have EXTRA energy to not only be creative in painting, but in performance. Members of the Oakville arts Studio painting class decided to put together this fantastic song. Way to go Girls

 Camila finished a fresh landscape creating a wonderful depth . Lovely colours Cami

Harry Potter is a wonderful experience for many teens. Catalina was no exception to the rule. Her painting reflected her deep interest in this wonderful image. Congratulations Cata. Great composition and daring project! Way to go.

Friday, 11 January 2013

Starting 2013!

2013 is here and more new projects on the way!

Hoping all of you had a great Christmas, I would like to welcome you back and prepare yourselves for the New 2013 program.


All about Canada and its wonders! One of these themes is inspired in Canadian aquatic birds.
Kids are already making wonderful interpretations of these magnificent birds.

Congrats Monica! great loon you have there. Awesome job in the movement of the water. Keep up!

 Sofia is here trying to finish her ballerina in a black and white painting. 
Challenging indeed, but great job you are doing!
 Kayla her managed to finish her landscape from  Muskoka.

happy faces are always nice to have when you are done with your work. This is one example.Congratulations, Bella!

Another great smile on Kayla's face....wonderful orchids!

Great job Sofia. You captured movement and expression in b & w which is not easy. Good one.

still with Christmas, this star was really beautiful.

 Thomas was one of the starters of the series of the Canadian aquatic birds.
This loon came up wonderful! congratulations Thomas on another wonderful painting.

Tom Thomson and the Group of Seven has been always a great way to explore impressionism. Alex made a wonderful interpretation of his painting. Congratulations another smile for the Studio.

Alec and Jeff also where inspired in Tom Thomson. Congratulations kids!

 Keep up and good luck with the birds!

 Sofia at work really inspired! And Bella (above) is sharing with us one of her latest impressionist landscapes.

Ixchel, Artistic Director at the Oakville Arts Studio, demonstrating techniques

 Madison finished her cartoon painting. Fantasy is a theme we will be exploring sometime soon. Way to go Maddy!

Jamie wearing her Santa hat, showing her inspiration in a lovely fish. Great detail and technique my Dear! You also have great skills in drawing. Below starting her loon. Cant wait to see how that goes!

Danielle inspired in a free composition made a wonderful job with her horse.

 It is so fun to see how kids find colour and composition even in simple candies.