Wednesday 12 June 2013

Horses and more on the way

Preparing for our exhibit soon to come, and getting excited for Summer, our members are really galloping towards a great closing of the spring-summer term.
Horses and more! all to have fun and be creative. All the horses are in movement, which at times may be a bit challenging for some younger artists.
Nevertheless, these horses are coming out amazing!
Keep up kids.

 Sarah and Nikki, having fun as always. They are amazing joyful kids.Thank you  for bringing such energy and great vibes to the Studio!

Remember that the new themes are coming for the Fall term. This time just to give you a taste of what is soon to come, we will explore FANTASY!
I want to know what moves you in the fantasy world. I know you all have lots to share, so start bringing ideas: dragons, fairies, manga characters, video game challenging name it. All fr the creativity and non-real world.